I've been very distracted. Sorry. Had a bit of trouble with crooks, idiots and blocked drains. The latter is sorted now, thanks, but sadly the former two may require further attention. However I plan to ignore them until the season of jollity and fun is over so that I can get on and write and blog and enjoy life.
Almost back on track with the book word count so I thought I'd treat myself to a little bit of blogging. It's been a while. Where was I? Can't remember. May need to write amnesia into the blog's title.
There has been an interesting if a slightly alarming development on the writing front. I'd just found my word-churning stride when my two grand-daughters came to stay with me for a few days. This is always a delightful experience but on this occasion they provided Fragile Confidence with her mightiest weapon of writer destruction yet.
Let me explain.
It was bedtime and Willow and Bella wanted some stories.
"I'm sure Granny would love to read you some of her stories." Their Mum was all storied out, wanted (deserved) a night off. She knew that Granny could not resist an invitation to snuggle up in her big, comfy bed with the grandchildren for a bit of storytelling. "Bella, wouldn't you love for Granny to tell you the one about Arabella Rose and the Chalkdust Circus?" Bella's full name is, of course, Arabella Rose. She's very proud of the fact that her name appears in one of my picture book stories. She's equally proud of the fact the she is named after a real pirate.
"Pleeeease, Granny, pleeeeease." Bella and Willow were pyjama-ed and in my bed in a flash, arranging the pillows and making a perfectly-sized granny space for me right in the middle.
So we settle down to a lovely session of tales and talking, Willow on my right and Bella on my left. After a dramatic rendition of Arabella Rose and the Chalkdust Circus I read another of my stories to them, one called Jess and The Henbarrow Bus. They have an Auntie called Jess. I had to read Jess's story twice because Willow and Bella like to join in with that one. I was beginning to feel that Willow and Bella would keep me storying all night.
"Right my lovelies, teeth brushing time I think." I know, I know. You're thinking I'm a mean old party-pooper. The girls moaned and complained a bit but they're sweet little things. They slid off the bed and headed for the door.
Here comes the crunch.
Willow stopped in the doorway and turned to look at me. With a level gaze and in a quiet voice she said, "Granny. I have adventures too, you know."
I smiled at her.
"Yes. I do. And I really like animals. I thought you might like to know that, Granny."
These words, so precise and perfectly articulated for particular effect, were instantly translated in my head to mean, "So where the hell is my story, Granny?"
My mouth started working before the brain could intervene, as is its wont when it comes to the wishes and desires of the grandchildren.
"Would you like me to write a story for you, Willow?"
Her face lit up."Yes, Granny, I think I would." Then she turned and skipped off to the bathroom to brush her teeth.
I'd just been given my first commission....
Fragile Confidence exploded from the wardrobe.
"That'll be tricky. Got any ideas? No. Thought not. Well, you've promised her something now. Can't let her down. No backing out. Did you see the smile on her face when you said, 'Yes'? Aaw. She was tickled pink, chuffed as nine-pence." FC sat herself on the end of my bed (hate when she presumes to do that) and stared me down, with a sickly and somewhat menacing smile plastered over her smug face.
What had I just done?
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